Saturday, August 23, 2008

My First lesson..

Date : 17/8/08

When going into the house :

Say : Tadaima

Reply : Okaerinasai

Wakarimashita = I understand

Wakarimasen = I don't understand

Say = O genki desu ka = How are you?

Reply = Genki desu = I'm fine

Going out of the house ;

Say : Ittekimasu = ( I'll go out & will come back )

Reply : Itteirasshai = ( please go and come back )

Chotto matte kudasai = Please wait a minute

Nan desu ka = What is that?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Japanese Names for everyone..

SO, here has been decided, although i haven't told everyone yet, these are the names that i've come up with.

Nana - Nami meaning wave ( got her green light)

Nik H - Natsuko meaning Summerchild ( got her green light too)

Zura - Yumiko meaning beautiful/helpful child ( she's been missing so haven't told her)

Nik Z - Tamara ( i don't have the meaning cause this was given by her Japanese bf)

Fiza - Kyoko meaning pure child ( chose it herself)

Saf - Akemi meaning bright beauty

Yan - Maiko meaning dancing child

Amy - Keiko meaning blessed/respectful child

Introducing Michiko.. ;)

Remember the Kurosagi series? Yup, thats right, the one that i’m so Hooked on now? I’ve started picking up a lot of japanese words,and i thought..hmm..why don’t i just pick up the language alltogether. Yay, another project to keep me occupied! hehe.

I went online searching for free online japanese lessons..there are oh so many of them, but its usually not free. And it doesnt make any sense learning the language if i have no one to practise it with right? Then i remembered that Amy ( a dear friend of mine) who’s in Uni too now, is taking up japanese as one of her electives..and abracadabra..!…she’s officicially my new Japanese teacher.

But 1st things order for me to make this more interesting, i would have to have a japanese name right? i chose..Michiko. Here’s what it actually means..

“The girl’s name Michiko \m(i)-chi-ko\ is pronounced MEE-chee-koh. It is of Japanese origin, and its meaning is ” child of beautiful wisdom; child of beautiful knowledge”. The name of the first commoner to become empress of Japan

Watashi wa Michiko desu ( translation = I am Michiko :)..)

I’ve started picking out names for my friends, but i’m not sure whether they would agree to it tho..~evil smile~ hehehe..

So whoever who wants to learn with me, please do, I promise i’d make it fun. I’ve decided to write my lessons in…Are you ready enough to take the ride with me?heheheheheh…

Monday, August 18, 2008

It started with....

I was introduced to this Japanese Series Kurosagi by Fiza, cause i’ve got too much free time on my hands. Never thought i’d fall in “love” with someone who looks so chinese..hahaha..So not my type?..or is he?…i think its the calmness and notoriousness that i’m into..This is the beginning of my the Dark Side..heheheheh